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The University of Tampa offers several options for middle and high school students to engage in music education through summer camps. University faculty will lead these week-long opportunities and engage with students to flourish their musical skills.

2025 Camp Information 

All UTampa Summer Camps are Day Camps; there will be no overnight component.

Camp Tuition: $400, all inclusive. (Includes rehearsals and classes, sheet music, lunch Monday-Friday, dinner for evening concerts and events, camp T-shirt, finale concert, etc). Discount available for children of UTampa faculty and staff.

Payments will be collected on the first day of each camp (June 1, June 8 and July 6, respectively).

There are no auditions required to attend camp. If you register, you are accepted to the camp.

Piano Camp

Piano Camp
June 1-6, 2025

The Piano Camp at The University of Tampa is an intensive music workshop for piano students currently in grades 6-12, with at least one year experience playing piano. Led by Grigorios Zamparas, UTampa professor of music, this week-long program includes coaching by UTampa piano faculty, performances by the faculty and students and other musicianship-building activities. No audition required.

Daily schedule includes piano lessons, practice time, master classes, and a lecture series including music history, piano literature, piano technique, pedagogy and more.

Tuition: $400, all-inclusive

Payments collected the first day of camp (Sunday, June 1)