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1988 University of Alabama, B.A.
1990 University of Alabama, M.A.
1997 University of Alabama, Ph.D.

Courses Taught

Elementary Spanish
Advanced Spanish
Conversational Spanish
Advanced Spanish Conversation through Literature and Film
Hispanic Women Writers
Hispanic Cinema
Spanish Culture and Civilization
Spanish Literature through the Golden Age
Spanish Literature from 19th Century until Today
Spanish for Criminal Justice
Spanish for the Medical Field

Career Specialties

Lola Hidalgo-Calle’s specialties are in 20th and 21st century peninsular Spanish literature, Spanish poetry and Latin American literature as well as foreign language teaching and Spanish culture. She teaches all levels of Spanish language, culture and literature. She also publishes in the field of literary translation and women's literature.

Professional and Community Activities

Hidalgo-Calle's research deals with 20th and 21st century Spanish writers and poets. She has published four books. Her first, Elementos Populares y Existencialistas en la Poesía de Rafael Montesinos (Existencial and Popular Elements in the Poetry of Rafael Montesinos) (2006), presents a study of the poetic works of Spanish poet Rafael Montesinos. The second, Último Cuerpo de Campanas (The Last Toll of the Bells) (2006), presents a collection of Rafael Montesinos’ poems translated from Spanish into English. This was written along with Mark Putnam. A third book, with Putnam, entitled A Study of Twenty-First Century Andalusian Poetry (2016), introduces seven 21st century Spanish women poets, Juana Castro, Rosa Diaz, Paloma Fernández Gomá, María Rosal, María del Valle Rubio, Pilar Sanabria and María Sanz, from the region of Andalucía, Spain, and includes representative poems from each poet in Spanish and translated into English. Most recently, with Mark Putnam, Hidalgo-Calle has published More Andalusian Women PoetsThe Artistry of Southern Spain (2017). The text presents seven additional 21st century Spanish women poets, Matilde Cabello, Araceli Franco, Inés María Guzmán, María del Carmen Guzmán, Isabel Pérez Montalbán, Balbina Prior and Ana Patricia Santaella from the region of Andalucía and includes representative poems from each poet in Spanish and translated into English.

Hidalgo-Calle has also published multiple scholarly articles in the field of Spanish literature and frequently gives presentations at regional and national conferences. She is an ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Certified Oral Proficiency Interview Tester and a member of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) and several other professional organizations, including the South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA) and SCOLT (Southern Conference on Language Teaching), where she is an advisory council member. She is also a member of the editorial board of the prestigious Revista Literaria Baquiana.

Honors and Awards

Lola Hidalgo-Calle has received grants in support of her research and conference travel. She also has been awarded with the the College of Arts and Letters Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award for 2012-2013. She also received the Scholarship Grant from ICAPP Regional Program “Making Businesses Aware of their Need for Foreign Languages,” and an award from the Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales of the Spanish Embassy.