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Plant Park

About Plant Park

On any given day, students can be found studying in rows of hammocks hung under sky-high palm trees in Plant Park’s riverfront setting. A peaceful oasis in a vibrant downtown setting, the park offers outdoor study spaces, recreation, meditation, concerts and other student activities. The extended waterfront walkway connects the campus to the downtown area, including a link to the Tampa Riverwalk.

Plant Park was originally developed at the turn of the 19th century by Henry Bradley Plant as a botanical complement to his Moorish palace, the Tampa Bay Hotel (what is now Plant Hall). In 1886, Plant purchased land along the Hillsborough River from Jess Hayden, whose family home, (located approximately where the Plant Hall lobby is now), was surrounded by an orange grove.

When hotel construction began in 1888, much of the grove was preserved for its tropical flair. Plant set aside 60 acres for a spectacular garden that included streams, ponds, golden carp, rare and exotic plants (some 150 varieties) such as orchids, palms, ferns, bananas, citrus and bamboo.

The park has only slightly evolved from its original form. The original Victorian strolling garden enjoyed by hotel guests of the past is still intact today. The multi-phase garden renovation plan, supported by the Friends of Plant Park, recovered much of the original hotel garden and recreated features that still remain vivid in local memory. The Friends of Plant Park, whose mission was to cultivate community interest through education, restoration, preservation and maintenance of Plant Park as a historical Victorian garden, supported the park from 1993-2018 through their volunteer efforts, which included the signature spring fundraiser, “GreenFest.” Sixteen sponsored park benches can be found around the park honoring family and celebrating friendships, as well as recognizing community leadership or organizations.

Plant Park is Tampa’s oldest public park and was designated a local historic landmark in 2001.