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Tuition Assistance and Florida Tuition Assistance (EDD)

Tuition Assistance (TA)

The Tuition Assistance (TA) program pays the cost of tuition and some additional fees. Nearly all active-duty military service members are eligible for TA. However, each service branch determines eligibility criteria. Tuition Assistance covers up to $250 per semester credit hour, not to exceed $4,500 per fiscal year. The following is how TA would work with some VA education benefit programs.

  • Chapter 33 – Post 9/11: TA will be deducted from the amount of tuition and fees reported to the VA.
  • Chapter 30 – Active Duty: students cannot receive CH30 benefits for the same courses for which TA is paid out, but can receive benefits for the courses for which TA is not paid.
  • Chapter 1606 - Selected Reserve: All qualified Selected Reserve service members are authorized concurrent use of Federal Tuition Assistance and MGIB-SR (chapter 1606) when enrolled in a program of education that is half-time or greater.

All Active Duty Service Members (including Guard and Reserve) must contact their Education Service Officer (ESO) or Education Counselor within your branch of service prior to enrolling in any college or university.

Florida Tuition Assistance (EDD)

The Florida National Guard Educational Dollars for Duty (EDD) program is a State of Florida, legislatively directed and funded, education tuition assistance resource that is exclusively available to qualified Florida Army and Air National Guard service members to complete authorized post-secondary education opportunities that include vocational/technical, industry certification, continuing education and academic degree programs and support author support successful completion of authorized professional license and industry certification exams.