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Center for José Martí Studies Affiliate

CJMSA group photo

Welcome to the Center for José Martí Studies Affiliate at The University of Tampa!

This site offers useful resources for those interested in José Martí studies and the history of the Cuban immigrant communities of the U.S., who in the latter half of the 19th century inspired, conspired, financed and fought for Cuban independence.

It was here in Florida, in the cigar factories of Key West, Ybor City and West Tampa, that Martí found his most loyal constituency and ardent support. These multiracial, multiethnic and intensely patriotic working-class communities played a critical role in the anti-colonial struggle against Spain, while formulating notions of ethnic identity and self-determination in the Jim Crow South. Our Center is dedicated to unearthing, preserving and studying a fascinating history whose lessons reverberate to this day.

We invite you to navigate our site, where you will find:

  • Boletín Martiano: The CJMSA’s biannual newsletter contains essays and creative work by some of the top scholars in the field in both English and Spanish.
  • Preserving Voices Project: Thanks to a grant from the Florida Humanities Council, the CJMSA is reviving the lost art of the Lector and bringing to life texts from the Cuban émigré press of the 19th century.
  • 2019/2023 NEH Summer Institute Resources: Browse our extensive library of recorded lectures, teaching resources, research aids and assorted material developed during our two NEH-funded summer institutes.
  • EventsThe CJMSA hosts professional conferences, panels and community events throughout the year. Check here for information on past and future events.
  • Contact Us: The CJMSA is available to all scholars and individuals interested in the 19th-century Cuban and Circum-Caribbean diaspora and the important domestic and geopolitical role they played.