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Welcome to the UTampa Votes website. This website is intended to serve a resource for the UT community and is sponsored by the UTampa Democracy Coalition. Our mission is to empower the University of Tampa community to achieve excellence in non-partisan democratic engagement.  

All-In Presidential Commitment Award

UTampavotes! is a non-partisan initiative that was created to equip students with voter education resources, aiding them in the voter registration process and guiding them on how to cast their ballot.

The UTampa Democracy Coalition stands as our non-partisan collaborative team, entrusted with leading endeavors and fostering awareness of responsible citizenship activities throughout the UT community. Our Action Plan for the ALL-IN Democracy Campus Challenge is informed by our participation in the National Study of Learning, Voting and Engagement (NSLVE) campus report and by our own goals for the UT community.

All-In Bronze Campus AwardOur UT partners come from across the university representing faculty from all four colleges, staff from OSLE, First-Year Studies, ResLife, Public Affairs, Career Services and students from SG. We also have wonderful UT alums and amazing community partners from the Hillsborough Supervisor of Elections office.

UTampaVotes! E-board coming soon.

Contact info:

Voter Registration Status

Check voter registration status at TurboVote.