As one of three undergraduate programs in the United States accredited by the Commission on the Accreditation of Programs in Applied and Clinical Sociology, the Bachelor of Arts in Applied Sociology and the Bachelor of Science in Applied Sociology each equip students with the knowledge, skill-set, training and experience necessary to apply social theory and research methods to real-world settings and problems. From internships, independent studies and community-service learning, to one-on-one mentorship, collaborative research and professional development, students are provided with exceptional, practical learning experiences that broaden and enhance the scope of their future opportunities and successes.
Minor in Sociology – Students learn how to evaluate social conditions and design ways to solve social problems.
Minor in Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies – The minor in Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies is an interdisciplinary course of study that incorporates a broad range of liberal arts activities – reading, writing, thinking and discussion – in order to teach a fuller understanding of the lives of women and their historical and cultural impact.
As evidenced by our prestigious accreditation, the applied sociology program is committed to internship experiences, students' career aspirations, vigorous involvement and mentorship. Students are provided with an array of transferrable skills that render them particularly competitive for both graduate school and the 21st-century job market. Applied sociology majors are taught how to think, write and present critically, scientifically and creatively as researchers, problem-solvers, decision-makers and consultants who offer important and insightful evaluations and solutions to a vast array of professionals, organizations, communities and individuals. Throughout the program, students receive training that enables them to apply their expertise of social life and human behavior to purposes and problems defined by interest groups, community leaders, businesses, agencies, for-profit/nonprofit organizations, governments, activist groups, public/private think-tanks, university partner(s), community service organizations and/or to their scholarly communities, universities and classrooms.
- Topics of Study
- Graduate School and Career Opportunities
- Experiential Learning and Practice
- On-Campus Associations and Affiliations
Topics of Study
- Clinical and Counseling Sociology
- Medical Sociology
- Sociology of Childhood
- Social Stratification
- Race/Ethnicity
- Gender
- Sexualities
- Social Research Methods
- Social Theory
- Social Statistics
- Qualitative Research Methods
- Demography
- Popular Culture
- Social Psychology
- Religion
- Deviance
- Global Sociology
- Marriage and Family
- Sports