Experiential Classroom
About the Clinic
The Experiential Classroom is the premier clinic for faculty who are relatively new to the teaching of entrepreneurship and the building of entrepreneurship programs. We share best practices in entrepreneurship education from some of the thought leaders and master educators in the field. Over 1,300 faculty members have attended this intense, three-day clinic. Delegates must attend all three days. The Experiential Classroom is offered once per year and in 2023 will take place on the University of Notre Dame campus. Attendance is limited to 75 delegates each year. The experience is personalized with ample opportunity to interact with the presenters both inside and outside the classroom.
September 2023
The University of Notre Dame
South Bend, IN
For questions regarding the 2023 Experiential Classroom program, please contact:
Susan McDonald, Program Manager
McKenna Center for Human Development and Global Business