These programs offer various types of aid to undergraduate students who are working on their first bachelor's degree; however, graduate students may have eligibility for some Florida aid programs. To qualify as a Florida resident, students (or at least one parent for dependent students) must establish that they have lived in Florida for at least 12 consecutive months before the first day of classes. A completed Florida Residency Affidavit is required. Dependent students must include parental information as the "claimant" on the Florida Residency Affidavit. Post-baccalaureate students are not eligible to receive funding from any of the Florida aid programs.
The State of Florida requires students to submit residency documents to the Financial Aid Office by the end of add/drop to be evaluated for Florida Residency in an academic period. Students submitting residency documents after the end of the add/drop period may be evaluated for residency in future academic periods.
Florida Residency Requirements
A Florida resident, for financial aid purposes, is a person (or the parent guardian of a dependent person) who has established and maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the start of the academic term. Due to Florida statutes, schools are required to collect copies of documents from the claimant on the Florida Residency Affidavit. The Florida Residency Affidavit and all claimant documentation must be received and a corresponding residency determination must be made by the end of the Add/Drop period for the term that the Florida aid is sought.
The student must be a U.S. Citizen or an eligible noncitizen. Generally, you are an eligible noncitizen if you are one of the following:
- U.S. permanent resident, with a Permanent Resident Card (formerly known as an Alien Registration Receipt Card or "Green Card")
- Conditional permanent resident (I-551C)
- Other eligible noncitizens with an Arrival-Departure Record (I-94) from the Department of Homeland Security showing any one of the following designations: "Refugee," "Asylum Granted," "Indefinite Parole," "Humanitarian Parole," or "Cuban-Haitian Entrant"
- A citizen of the Republic of Palau (PW), the Republic of the Marshall Islands (MH) or the Federated States of Micronesia (FM)
Below is a list of acceptable documents. Refer to the Florida Residency Affidavit for submission deadlines.
Tier 1 Documents | Tier 2 Documents | |
| |
New to UT | At least one | One (none if two Tier 1 documents are provided) |
Continuing UT students; first semester eligible | At least one | Two; one if two Tier 1 documents are provided; none if three Tier 1 documents are provided |
Students returning to UT after at least one year at another institution | At least one | Two; one if two Tier 1 documents are provided; none if three Tier 1 documents are provided |
Additional Residency Guidelines are available from the state.
Institutional Residency Appeal Process
Applicants who wish to appeal the University's residency classification should submit an appeal in Workday, found under 'UT Forms' then select 'State Aid Appeal.' The residency appeal committee will render to the applicant the final residency determination by email and will advise the applicant of the reasons for the determination.
Effective Access to Student Education (EASE), formerly known as Florida Residents' Access Grant (FRAG)
- Award amount: $3,500 in 2024-2025*
- Not based on need, this grant is for Florida residents attending a private college or university full-time in Florida
- It is designated for undergraduate students working toward their first baccalaureate degree program
*The EASE grant was unexpectedly prorated by the State in January 2025 for the Spring semester. The original award amount for Spring was $1,750; the adjusted award amount is $1,550. An email was sent to affected students on 1/9/25 to notify them of the changes.
Click here to see UTampa’s EASE Grant performance measures.
Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program
This umbrella program offers three lottery-funded scholarships to reward Florida high school graduates of high academic achievement who enroll in an eligible Florida post-secondary educational institution within three years of high school graduation. Discuss your eligibility with your high school guidance resource specialist. Students must complete the online application through the Florida Department of Education in your senior year of high school. Graduate students may have Florida Bright Futures eligibility for one semester of graduate study; however, this will be determined by the State of Florida.
Note: Vocational Gold Seal Scholars initially awarded for the 2012-2013 academic year and thereafter may be funded for programs of study in career education only. This scholarship program may not be used to fund coursework toward a four-year baccalaureate degree.
Florida Academic Scholars
- Award amount: $212 per credit hour in 2024–2025
- Maintain 3.0 cumulative college GPA to renew
Florida Medallion Scholars
- Award amount: $159 per credit hour in 2024–2025
- Maintain 2.75 cumulative college GPA to renew
Benaquisto Scholarship Program
- Formerly known as the Florida Incentive Scholarship Program
- Award amount: varies
The Benaquisto Scholarship Program is a merit scholarship for Florida high school graduates who achieved the National Merit or National Achievement Scholar designation. This program will provide funds for 100 percent of the number of credit hours required to complete a baccalaureate degree program, or until completion of a baccalaureate degree program.
Eligible students will receive an annual award equal to the institutional cost of attendance (based on the highest cost of attendance in the State University System), minus the sum of the Bright Futures award and National Merit/Achievement Award. This award may not be used to pay for remedial coursework or developmental education. The award is not available to fund summer coursework.
Benaquisto Scholarship Award = COA - (BF + NM)
The highest institutional COA, as reported by the Board of Governors of the State University System, will be used in the calculation of awards for students who attend an eligible, four-year independent post-secondary institution.
Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG)
- Award amount: varies
- Apply by completing the FAFSA
This need-based grant is a state allocation, so funds are limited.
Florida Work Experience Program (FWEP)
- Award amount: varies
- Apply by completing the FAFSA
This need-based program provides eligible Florida students work experiences to complement their educational and career goals. Recipients must be enrolled full-time. Students typically work 10 to 12 hours per week and earn a regular paycheck. Learn more about on-campus job opportunities.
Florida Prepaid (FLPP)
Your prepaid plan may be used at The University of Tampa. The Florida Prepaid College Plan will transfer an amount equal to the value of the prepaid plan(s) at the time of enrollment. The state determines the value of the plan at the beginning of each academic year. More information and the link to the Florida Prepaid Transfer Form are available on the bursar's Payment Options page. Any unused Florida prepaid funds may be utilized for graduate-level courses, based on the type of plan with remaining benefits.
Florida Minority Teacher Scholarship
- Award amount: $4,000
- Term: three consecutive years
- Apply through the Florida Fund for Minority Teachers
This collaborative performance-based scholarship program between Florida community colleges and private universities and colleges provides scholarships for minority students who are Florida residents and enrolled as juniors in a state-approved teacher education program. Awards are available to eligible African American, Hispanic, Asian American and Native American students as well as dislocated military personnel and dislocated defense contractor employees.