Effective Fall 2016
Revised Fall 2024
The offices of Student Affairs and Residence Life are committed to assigning student living spaces on the basis of priority for those students who most benefit from the personal, academic and community support of living on campus. To accomplish this goal, new students with the highest developmental need and new international students will be prioritized for assignment to on-campus housing in UTampa residence halls.
Rationale for Housing Philosophy
Students are not required to reside in on-campus residence halls and the Office of Residence Life cannot guarantee on-campus housing for all students. While every effort is made to accommodate all new and continuing students who request housing, most new UTampa students will be assigned to on-campus housing on a space-available basis. Please note that on-campus housing assignments are impacted by the housing application date and roommate requests. New students should submit their housing application in Residence by Symplicity soon after deciding to attend UTampa.
Research in student development and our own student experiences indicate that residential living supports student transition to a university. Residential living for new students may ease student transition to the UTampa environment and provide significant support for the inherent challenges of heightened academic rigor and increased independence in the first year of college.
As students become more independent and move forward through their college experience, many look forward to transitioning to living off-campus. In recognition of this developmental progression, the number of on-campus spaces for continuing students is limited. However, some continuing students who participate in the Returning Resident Room Selection process will have housing options on campus in a continuing student residence hall including The Barrymore Hotel as space is available. To support those students who will be living off-campus, the Office of Residence Life has developed extensive off-campus housing resources and programs that provide information and education for a successful transition to off-campus living.