UTO Spartans Teaching Online Certification
The Spartans Teaching Online (STO) Certification is required for all faculty prior to teaching any online course at UT, including asynchronous, hybrid, and other distance education modalities.
This is a self-paced online course that includes evidence-based methods for teaching online. You will learn how to create an online presence, apply learning strategies to engage your students, and more.
If you are considering teaching online, you can self-enroll in the STO certification course at any time. Learn more about enrolling in STO.
Faculty Training
UTO provides ongoing training for faculty teaching online courses. UTO focuses on short, targeted training that intersects technology and online pedagogy.
Additional training for faculty is provided by the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and Information Technology and Security Training Center.
Contact UTO at utampaonline@ut.edu for further information.