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Meet James

Associate Professor, French, Languages and Linguistics


1998 Université du Havre, B.A.
2001 University of South Florida, M.A.
2009 University of South Florida, Ph.D.

Courses Taught

Elementary French I
Advanced French I and II
Elementary French Review
Intermediate French I
French for Travel

Career Specialties

James Aubry specializes in the study of factors affecting motivation in the foreign language classroom. Aubry’s other academic interests include distance learning, Computer Assisted Language Learning and contemporary Francophone literature.

Professional and Community Activities

Aubry’s doctoral dissertation investigated the effects of instructor’s self-disclosure using online networking platforms on students’ motivation types, attitudes and performance. He also authored a book chapter on Computer Assisted Language Learning. He regularly presents the results of his research at national conferences.

He is a member of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), the South Atlantic Modern Language Association (SAMLA) and the North East Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Language (NECTFL)