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Meet Becca Baaske

Assistant Professor, Accounting
Becca Baaske
401 W. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33606
Box 117F
John Sykes College of Business Room: JS-318B


2012 North Central College, B.S.
2014 DePaul University, MAcc
2021 University of South Florida, Ph.D.

Courses Taught

Accounting Information Systems
Advanced Accounting Analytics
Financial Accounting Information
Managerial Accounting

Career Specialties

Becca Baaske is a tenure-track assistant professor at UTampa, who joined the faculty in Fall 2021. Prior to 2021, she worked for PwC Chicago and departed as a senior auditor from the Private Company Services assurance group. She also worked in the accounting department for the former John Marshall Law School in Chicago for several years.

Baaske’s research focuses on auditor judgment and decision-making, with a particular emphasis on the use of data visualizations to detect risks and anomalies. Her work frequently employs experimental and survey-based methodologies to explore these areas. Additionally, she is dedicated to advancing accounting education, contributing pedagogical research to motivate and engage business students in introductory courses and encouraging them to pursue accounting as a major. Baaske's research is published in the Journal of Information Systems and Accounting Horizons; she is also working through revisions at Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory and Issues in Accounting Education.

Baaske co-founded the More than Debits and Credits panel and networking accounting event at the University of Tampa, which started in collaboration with Professor Juliana Kralik to address the nationwide decline in the accounting pipeline. Together, they continue to host this event with the invaluable support of professionals from the Tampa Bay area. 

Professional and Community Activities

"Road to the Real World: Accounting Bootcamp" co-founder and planner
"More than Debits and Credits" co-founder and planner
College of Business Media Committee member
Ad-hoc reviewer for the Journal of Information Systems, AAA Annual Meeting, and AIS Midyear Meeting