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Meet Amber

Assistant Teaching Professor, Biology


2011 University of South Florida, B.S.
2016 University of South Florida, Ph.D.

View CV (PDF)

Courses Taught

Microbiology for the Allied Health Sciences
General Biology I
General Biology I Lab

Career Specialties

Amber Brace is broadly interested in how individual variation in immune responses affect disease dynamics in communities.

Professional and Community Activities

As a researcher, Brace has focused on individual-, population- and species-level drivers of immune costs and the implications for host protection from parasites. She has published in Functional Ecology, Journal of Experimental Biology, Journal of Experimental Biology, among others.

Outside of teaching and research, she regularly participates in science outreach to increase scientific literacy within the community.

Honors and Awards

Sigma Xi Grant in Aid of Research
USF Tharp Fellowship
NSF Research Collaborative Network in Ecoimmunology Research Exchange Grant
University Graduate Fellowship