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Meet Ruth

Assistant Teaching Professor, Sociology


1999 Middle Tennessee State University, B.S.
2002 Middle Tennessee State University, M.A.
2007 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Ph.D.

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Courses Taught

Sociology of Gender
Sociology of Sexualities
Sociology of Deviance
Contemporary Issues and Social Solutions
Introduction to Sociology
Families in Global Perspective

Career Specialties

Ruth Chananie's main interest areas are gender, sexuality, inequalities, deviance and social movements.

Professional and Community Activities

Chananie's research activity centers on the sociology of gender and sport. She has published on the gendered experiences, embodiment and popular culture portrayals of female bodybuilders and women in flat-track roller derby. Her community involvement focuses on LGBTQI+ social justice and advocacy. Additionally, she is a former president of the Mid-South Sociological Association.

Honors and Awards

2021 Outstanding Part-Time Faculty Member, University of Tampa
2013 University Book and Supply Untenured Faculty Teaching Award, University of Northern Iowa
2007 Distinguished Dissertation Award, Department of Sociology, Southern Illinois University Carbondale