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Meet Naomi

Assistant Professor, Communication


2012 Stanford University, B.A.
2014 University of California, Los Angeles, M.A. 
2020 University of California, Santa Barbara, Ph.D.

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Courses Taught

World Cinema
Global Media Cultures

Career Specialties

Naomi DeCelles is a film historian and translator. Her areas of interest include feminist and queer historiography, film theory and public humanities.

Professional and Community Activities

DeCelles’s recent and currently active research projects have been focused on the relationships between historiography and power and on the ethics and poetics of reading the alternative archives and traces of historically marginalized people and communities.

Her first book, Recollec4ng LoLe Eisner: Cinema, Exile, and the Archive (hCps:// 9780520388130/recollecting-loCe-eisner) provides an in-depth account of the remarkable transnational career of film journalist, archivist and historian LoCe Eisner (1896–1983). Situated at the juncture of feminist media historiography and disciplinary intellectual history, this study is based on extensive multilingual archival research and the excavation of a rich corpus of previously overlooked materials. In it, DeCelles advances a novel and robust historiographical ethics for contemporary film studies more broadly.

Her other publications have appeared in the Journal of Cinema and Media Studies, Uncanny Histories in Film and Media Studies (Rutgers University Press, 2022), Screen, and Quarterly Review of Film and Video.

Honors and Awards

SCMS Translation Award (2020)
SCMS Women’s Caucus, Graduate Student Writing Prize, Honorable Mention (2020)
Mellon-Council for European Studies Dissertation Completion Fellowship (2019)
Albert and Elaine Borchard European Studies Fellowship (2017)
Cinema and Media Studies Department Fellowship, UCLA (2012)
Comparative Literature Prize for Excellence, Stanford University (2011)
Summer Research College Award, Stanford University (2008)