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Meet Tom

Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Tom Jackman
401 W. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33606
Box 3F
Science Wing - Plant Hall Room: SC-217


1971 University of South Florida, B.A.
1976 University of South Florida, Ph.D.

Courses Taught

General Chemistry I and II
General Chemistry I and II Lab
Organic Chemistry I and II
Organic Chemistry I and II Lab
Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry Lab

Career Specialties

Within inorganic chemistry, Thomas Jackman’s research interests include metal complex synthesis and electron-transfer reaction kinetics. He also specializes in the use of instrumentation to analyze samples for trace contaminants.

Professional and Community Activities

Jackman’s technical skills include environmental compliance and applied environmental and analytical chemistry. He has significant experience in the management of environmental affairs including hazardous waste (RCRA), Superfund (CERCLA), water and wastewater (CWA), worker protection (OSHA) and air (CAA).