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Meet Leslie

Professor, Mathematics


1989 Mercer University, B.A.
1992 Troy University, M.S.
2009 Baylor University, Ph.D.

Courses Taught

Mathematical Programming
Linear Algebra
Introduction to Higher Mathematics
Business Calculus
Calculus I, II and III

Career Specialties

Leslie Jones has an interest in a variety of mathematical areas, both pure and applied, including mathematical models, data science and topology.

Professional and Community Activities

Jones's research activities align with her many interests and run the spectrum from publications in the Journal of Information Systems Education to the Journal of Theoretical Biology. Jones is currently working to better understand how large language AI models can be incorporated into the learning environment to include shifts in learning outcomes that optimize this emerging technology.

Honors and Awards

Louise Loy Hunter Award, The University of Tampa, 2020
J. Richard Piper Award for Outstanding Service, CSSME, The University of Tampa, 2020
Excellence in Scholarship and Research Award, CSSME, The University of Tampa, 2015
Community Engagement Award, The University of Tampa, 2015