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Meet Abhilash Kancharla

Assistant Teaching Professor, Computer Science
Abhilash Kancharla
401 W. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33606
Box 140F
Jenkins Technology Building Room: TECH 673E


2009 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, B.Tech.
2018 Oklahoma State University, M.S.
2020 Oklahoma State University, Ph.D.



Courses Taught

The Science of Computing I
The Science of Computing II
Data Structures
Computer Organization and Architecture
Operating Systems and Systems Programming

Career Specialties

Kancharla's research interests includes areas related to Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Bigdata and Distributed Computing, with secondary interests in queueing algorithms.

Professional and Community Activities

Kancharla is currently working on a book titled - Blockchain Essentials which is set to publish in and around early Spring '24. He has organized IEEE BCCA workshop in the Fall of 2022, which involved publishing papers in blockchain and AI. He has recently worked with an NPO, to publish an Android and iOS App.

Three of his recent pulications are:

  1. J. Dorrell, A Kancharla, and M Ambrosia. "Green Crypto Mining:A Quantitative Analysis of the Profitability of Bitcoin Mining Using Excess Wind Energy", In: The Journal of Energy and Development, Volume 48.  Manuscript accepted, Journal to be published by end of Fall ’23.
  2. J. Seol, J. Ke, S. Joshi, N. Park, and A. Kancharla. “A Bivariate Performance Model across On- and Off-Chain in A NFT (Non-Fungible Token) Chain”. In: 2022 Fourth International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA). Sept. 2022, pp. 159–166. doi: 10.1109/BCCA55292.2022.9921973.
  3. Zuqiang Ke, Jongho Seol, Abhilash Kancharla, and Nohpill Park. “Performance Modeling and Assurance for Cross Chain”. In: 2022 Fourth International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA). Sept. 2022, pp. 305–311. doi: 10.1109/BCCA55292.2022.9922037.