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Meet A Bakarr

Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
A Bakarr Kanu
401 W Kennedy Blvd Tampa, FL 33606
Box 27F


1996 University of Sierra Leone, B.S.
1999 The University of Manchester Institute of Science & Technology, M.S.
2003 The University of Manchester Institute of Science & Technology, Ph.D.

Courses Taught

General Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry
Forensic Chemistry
Environmental Chemistry

Career Specialties

Kanu is an analytical, environmental, forensic, and organic chemist. His research focuses on developing instrumental separation-type techniques to detect and quantify diverse chemical and biological compounds. He is also interested in forensic toxicology, primarily in addressing equity issues, environmental quality assurance, and investigating ingredients from plant sources to identify drug ingredients capable of promoting health or fighting disease.

Professional and Community Activities

Professional Organizations:

American Academy of Forensic Sciences - Fellow
Royal Society of Chemistry and British Mass Spectrometry Society - Member
American Chemical Society, AAAS, and NOBCChE - Member
American Society for Mass Spectrometry and International Society for Ion Mobility Spectrometry - Member

Recent Publications:

Brooks, A., Kanu, A. Bakarr. (2023). Poison in the Hiking Trail. Global Journal of Science Research: B Chemistry, 23(1), 1-12.

Bellamy, D., Cobbs, M., Rahhal, S., Kanu, A Bakarr. (2022). The Use of Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry to Identify and Quantify Chemical Components in Tea Extracts. Analytical Chemistry Letters, 12, 292-301. DOI: 10.1080/22297928.2022.2088299.

Sedwick, V., Leal, A., Barding, G., Nelson, K., Kanu, A. Bakarr. (2022). Combining Gas Chromatography, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, and Principal Component Analysis to Facilitate Complete Detection and Identification of Fire Accelerants, The Chem. Educ., 27, 33-43.

Kanu, A. Bakarr. (2021) Recent Developments in Sample Preparation Techniques Combined with High-Performance Liquid Chromatography: A Critical Review. J. Chromatogr. A, 1654, 462444. DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2021.462444

Sedwick, V., Leal, A., Turner, D., Kanu, A. Bakarr. (2018) Quantitative Determination of Aluminum in Deodorant Brands: A Guided Inquiry Learning Experience in Quantitative Analysis Laboratory. J. Chem. Educ., 95(3), 451-455. DOI:10.1021/ACS.JCHEMED.7B00336.

Sedwick, V., Grosse, R., Fernandez, M. de F., McMahon, J., and Kanu, A. Bakarr. (2017). Mobilizing Chemistry Expertise to Solve Humanitarian Problems Volume 2, Chapter 2: Developing Microchemistry Education Kits for Sierra Leone. ACS e-book Series, 1268, 5-19. DOI: 10.1021/bk-2017-1268.ch002.

Sedwick, V., Massey, M., Codio, T., and Kanu, A. Bakarr. (2017). Method Validation Parameters for Drugs and Explosives in Ion Mobility Spectrometry, Int. J. Ion Mobil. Spectrom., 20(3) (2017) 75-86. DOI: 10.1007/s12127-017-0221-z.

Walker, S., Stevenson, B., Peterson, J., Donati, G. L., Jones, B., Tourne, M., Pollard, D., Kanu, A. Bakarr. (2016) Determining Micro- and Macro-Elements by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. The Chemical Educator, 21, 264-272.

Kanu, A. Bakarr, Kaplan, L. J. (2013). The Quest for Confirmatory Data in Crime Scene Investigation. The Chem. Educ., 21, 231-239.

Kanu, A. Bakarr (Apr. 2017) Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry, The Next Five Year, 2nd Edition, pp 90-93 (Invited Book Chapter, International Society for Ion Mobility Spectrometry).

Kanu, A. Bakarr, Leal, A. (2016). Identity Efficiency for High-Performance Ambient Pressure Ion Mobility Spectrometry. Anal. Chem. 88, 3058-3066. DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b03765.

Kanu, A. Bakarr, Pajski, M., Hartman; M., Kimaru, I., Marine, S., and Kaplan, L. J. (2015). Exploring Perspectives and Identifying Potential Challenges Encountered with Crime Scene Investigations when Developing Chemistry Curricula. J. Chem. Educ., 92(8), 1353-1358. DOI: 10.1021/ed500671x.

Kanu, A. Bakarr, Levine, K. E., Haines, L. G., Massie, M. Codio, T. (2015). Measurement of Mercury Levels in a Commercial Fish Oil Brand by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. The Chem. Educ., 20, 234-239.

Kanu, A. Balkarr, Brandt, S. D., Williams, M. D., Zhang, N., and Hill, H. H. (2013). Analysis of Psychoactive Cathinones & Tryptamines by Electrospray Ionization Atmospheric Pressure Ion Mobility Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometry. Anal. Chem., 85. 8535-8542. DOI: 10.1021/ac401951a.

Kanu, A. Bakarr, Thomas, C. L. P. (2013) Internally Heated Membrane Interfaced to a Gas Chromatography Flame Ionization Detector. Talanta, 111, 215-223. DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2013.03.011.

Kanu, A. B., Kumar, B. S. Hill, H. H. (2012) Evaluation of Micro- versus Nano-Electrospray Ionization for Ambient Pressure Ion Mobility Spectrometry. Int. J. Ion Mobil. Spec., 15, 9-20. DOI: 10.1007/s12127-011-0075-8.

Brandt, S. D., Moore, S. A., Freeman, S., Kanu, A. B. (2010). Characterization of the Synthesis of N, N-dimethyltryptamine by reductive amination using gas chromatography ion trap mass spectrometry. Drug Testing and Analysis, 2, 330-338. DOI: 10.1002/dta.142.

Kanu, A. B., Hampikian, G., Brandt, S. D., Hill, H. H. (2010). Ribonucleotide & Ribonucleoside Analysis by Ambient Pressure Ion Mobility Spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 658, 91-97. DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2009.10.058.

Kanu, A. B. Gribb, M. M., Hill, H. H.  (2008). Predicting Optimal Resolving Powers for Ambient Pressure Ion Mobility Spectrometry. Anal. Chem., 80, 6610-6619. DOI: 10.1021/ac8008143.

Kanu, A. B., Dwivedi, P., Tam; M., Matz, L., and Hill, H. H. (2008). Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry (IMMS). J. Mass Spectrom., 43, 1-22. DOI: 10.1002/jms.1383.

Kanu, A. B., Hill, H. H.  (2008). Ion Mobility Spectrometry Detector for Gas Chromatography. J. Chromatogr. A, 1177, 12-27. DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2007.10.110.

Kanu, A. B., Wu, C., Hill, H. H. (2008). Rapid Preseparation of Interferences for Ion Mobility Spectrometry. Anal. Chimica Acta 610, 125-134. DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2007.08.024.

Kanu, A. B. and Hill, H. H. (2007). Identity Confirmation of Drugs & Explosives in Ion Mobility Spectrometry Using a Secondary Drift Gas. Talanta, 73, 692-699. DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2007.04.058.

Hill, H. H., Dwivedi, P., Kanu, A. B. (Jan. 2006). Reduction in False Positives Responses for Explosive Detection Using Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry. Bulletin of Laser and Spectroscopy Society of India, Future Trends in Spectroscopy: Application to National Security, Number 14, published February 2007, pp 92-103.

Kanu, A. B., Hill, H. H.,  Gribb, M., Walters, R. A. (2007). Small Subsurface Ion Mobility Spectrometry Sensor for Detecting Environmental Soil-Gas Contaminants. J. Environ. Monitor., 9, 51-60. This article was selected as one of the cutting-edge research on environmental processes and impact to appear on the front cover of the Journal of Environmental Monitoring January 2007 issue. DOI: 10.1039/b610493b.

Honors and Awards

2021 NOBCChE HBCU Pioneer Award; Featured in ASMS Faces in Mass Spectrometry Interview Series (2020)
2015 Chemistry Ambassador Awarded by ACS
2015 Outreach Volunteer of the Year, ACS Central North Carolina Local Section
2012 Lone Star College Writing Award Winner
Commonwealth Scholar (1998-2003)

Student Research Poster Awards:
2021 Annual NOBCChE Conference
2020 ABRCMS Conference
2016 ABRCMS Conference