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Meet Elizabeth Littell-Lamb

Associate Professor, History, Geography and Legal Studies
Elizabeth A Littell-Lamb
401 W. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33606
Box Q
Plant Hall Room: PH-355


1970 University of Wisconsin - Madison, B.A.
1974 University of Southern California (in Taipei, Taiwan), M.S.
1995 State University of New York College at Brockport, M.A.
1996 Carnegie Mellon University, M.A.
2002 Carnegie Mellon University, Ph.D.

Courses Taught

World History to 1500
World History since 1500
Special Topics: Elite and Everyday Women in World History to 1500
Traditional Japan
Japan's Modern Centuries
China and the World to 1800
China's Centuries of War and Revolution since 1800
The Ancient World
Imperialism and Nationalism in Asia and Africa

Career Specialties

Littell-Lamb's researches women in the early decades of twentieth century China, especially their involvement in social movements and their adaptation and use of Western ideologies, including Christianity, internationalism, feminism and socialism. She is also interested in the cross-cultural study of women’s social movements.

Professional and Community Activities

Forthcoming November 2023: The YWCA in China: The Making of a Chinese Christian Women's Institution, 1899-1957 published by University of British Columbia Press.

She has authored two book chapters: “I as a woman must do it: Shujing Ding and the YWCA Pathway for Women,” in Carol Lee Harmin and Stacey Bieler, eds., Salt and Light: Lives of Faith that Shaped Modern China (2008) and “Localizing the Global: The YWCA Movement in China, 1899 to 1939,” in Erika K. Kuhlman and Kimberly Jensen, eds., Women and Transnational Activism in Historical Perspective (2010).

Her scholarly journal articles include “Gospel of the Body, Temple of the Nation: The YWCA Movement and Women’s Physical Culture in China, 1915-1925,” (in English), Research on Women in Modern Chinese History [近代中國婦女史研究] 16 (December 2008), “Caught in the Crossfire: Women’s Internationalism and the YWCA Child Labor Campaign in Shanghai, 1921-1925” in Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies (2011), “Engendering a Class Revolution: The Chinese YWCA Industrial Reform Work in Shanghai, 1927-1939” in Women’s History Review (2012), “’Denounce!’ - The Chinese YWCA and the 1951 Christian Renunciation Campaign in the People’s Republic of China,” Florida Conference of Historians Annals Vol. 29, publication pending.