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Meet Gary

Professor, Theatre and Dance
Gary S Luter
401 W. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33606
Box 125F
Ferman Center for the Arts Room: FCA-302


1967 University of South Florida, B.A.
1968 University of Wisconsin, M.S.
1973 University of Akron, M.A.
1981 University of Florida, Ph.D.

Courses Taught

Oral Communication
Speech for Business and the Professions
The Development of the Musical Theatre
Gay and Lesbian Culture in 20th-Century America
Non-Western Theatre
Theatre History

Career Specialties

Gary Luter is an actor, director and theatre historian.

Professional and Community Activities

Luter has directed or performed in more than 50 plays and has produced a number of theatre works at UT. He is the founding faculty member of the Department of Speech and Theatre. He focuses on theatre pieces that have a vital social or political message. He is on the Board of Tampa’s Stageworks Theatre Company. He chaired the education committee for the Human Rights Task Force of Florida. He actively supports the Equality Project of the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network, an organization that promotes a safe environment for gays and lesbians in secondary schools. In the Honors Program, he teaches courses dealing with current issues of censorship in the arts and with gay and lesbian studies.