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Meet Lisa

Associate Professor, Marketing


1999 Amherst College, B. A.
2004 Columbia University, MBA
2017 University of South Florida, Ph.D.

Courses Taught

Principles of Marketing
Promotion and Branding Strategies

Career Specialties

Lisa Monahan's teaching and research interests draw largely from her industry experience and explore branding, advertising and consumer product returns.

Professional and Community Activities

Prior to embarking on a career in academia, she spent nearly 15 years working in industry in her hometown of New York City where she held marketing positions at firms such as Unilever, Citibank, Hartz Mountain and HanesBrands (Maidenform). She began her career as an advertising executive at J. Walter Thompson, New York.

Her work has been published in the Journal of Advertising, the Journal of Business Research, the Journal of Consumer Marketing and the Journal of Product & Brand Management, among others. 

Honors and Awards

  • Walter Thompson Professional Development Program, advertising agency competition winner (2000)
  • AMA Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium Fellow (2016)
  • Highly Commended Paper, Emerald Literati Awards (2020)
  • Excellence in Research, Meredith College (2020)
  • Excellence in Teaching, Meredith College (2021)