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Meet Gianna Nicholas

Associate Director, First-Year Studies
Gianna Nicholas
401 W. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33606
Box 147F
Plant Hall Room: PH-303


2010 The State University of New York at Buffalo, B.A. in Communications
2012 The State University of New York at Buffalo, M.Ed. in Higher Education Administration
2019 University of South Florida, Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, emphasis in Higher Education

Courses Taught

First-Year Seminar
Peer Leadership
Career Development

Career Specialities

Gianna Nicholas has had over 15 years of experience in higher education administration. She has been involved in the areas of career development and first-year academic success and persistence.

Professional and Community Activities

Stay in by getting out: The benefit of out-of-classroom experiences. Presentation at the 39th Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience. (2020)

Accessibility and inclusivity, now what? Roundtable at the 39th Annual Conference on the First-Year Experience. (2020)

Not so black and white: Using qualitative research as a tool for social justice. Presentation at the Saint Leo Women in Data and Science Conference. (2019)

Supporting faculty partnerships: Shared experiences from four Florida universities. Presentation at the Sunshine State Teaching and Learning Conference. (2019)

“Why are you so quiet?” Understanding how we see introverts. Presentation at the Southern Association for Colleges and Employers (SoAce) Conference. (2018)

Staying mindful: How mindfulness training can lead to student success. Presentation at the Sunshine State Teaching and Learning Conference. (2018)