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Meet Kelly Palmer

Assistant Professor, History, Geography and Legal Studies
Kelly D Palmer
401 W. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33606
Box Q
Plant Hall Room: PH-409


1991 Michigan State University, B.A.
2002 Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver, M.A.
2010 Michigan State University, Ph.D.

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Courses Taught

World History from 1500
The Historian's Craft
History of the Holocaust
Twentieth-Century Europe
Senior Capstone
The Era of World War I
The Era of World War II
Renaissance and Reformation
Revolutionary Europe

Career Specialties

Kelly Palmer specializes in the history of modern Europe. Her research and teaching interests include the history of France, the Holocaust and European postwar historical memory.

Professional and Community Activities

Palmer currently completing an article manuscript related to the work of the American Friends Service Committee and Jewish rescue in World War II France. She is currently working on another piece about the work of Roswell McClelland who worked for the American Friends Service Committee and War Refugee Board in Europe from 1940-1945. Her next project will focus on the efforts of women humanitarian workers in the American Friends Service Committee during WWII.

Palmer also works with the Florida Holocaust Museum. She developed an internship program with the FHM for our history majors and they work together to bring speakers to campus. They also collaborate to provide educational opportunities for our students at the museum.

Honors and Awards

Chosen to be one of two university-wide applicants for the 2023 National Endowment of the Humanities Summer Stipends Program
Awarded Pollock Research Grant for 2021
Awarded Grant from the Undergraduate Research and Inquiry Committee for inquiry-based course for Fall 2020, The University of Tampa
Awarded College of Social Sciences Mathematics and Education Award for Outstanding Teacher, The University of Tampa (2018-2019)
Awarded UCDALI Professional Development Grant (Spring 2016)
Awarded CU Online Course Development Grant (Fall 2015)
Nominee for College of Arts and Letters at the University of Colorado of Denver, Teaching Excellence Award (2013-2014)
Dissertation Completion Fellowship, College of Social Science, Michigan State University (2010)
Kussy Scholarship for Study of the Holocaust, James Madison College, Michigan State University (2008)
International Studies Program Pre-dissertation Research Fellowship, International Studies Program, Michigan State University (2007)
Muelder-Lowe Graduate Award, Department of History, Michigan State University (2007)
Summer Research Enhancement Fellowship, Department of History, Michigan State University (2007)
Summer Research Fellowship, Department of History, Michigan State University (2006)
Summer Research Language Fellowship, Department of History, Michigan State University (2005)
Somers Award for Excellence and Creativity in Teaching, Center for Integrative Studies in the Arts and Humanities, Michigan State University (2005)
Recruitment Fellowship, Department of History, Michigan State University, (2003-2004)