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Meet Josh Ray

Lecturer I, Management and Entrepreneurship
Josh Ray
401 W. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33606
Box O
Innovation and Collaboration Building Room: ICB-801


2014 University of South Florida, B.A.
2018 University of South Florida, M.A.
2018 University of South Florida, M.S.

Courses Taught

Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Feasibility
Creativity and Innovative Problem Solving

Career Specialties

7X Startup Founder (Tech, eCommerce, and Service Based Busineses)
Founded an Entreprenurial Bootcamp raising $100K in funding and helping 25 Nascent Entrepreneurs launch businesses

Current Research:

Financial Consulting for Accelerator Participators (a collaboration between the Lowth Entrepreneurship Center Accelerator Program and the Investment Banking studnet club at UTampa)

Professional and Community Activities

Licensed Florida Real Estate Professional
Community Organizer for 1 Million Cups Tampa
UTampa Community Engagement and Responsible Citizenship Committee Member
Engages with the Tampa Bay Business community recruiting Volunteers and Speakers for the Lowth Center
Has Collaborated with the Collegiate Entrepreneurs Organization (CEO) and assisted with their Global Conference
Has Served as a Co-Chair for USABE Conference


Lowth Entrepreneurship Center
Entrepreneurship Collaborative Center
1 Million Cups
Embarc Collective
Tampa Bay Innovation Center
Has hosted several joint class panel discussion on "Innovation in Tampa Bay" with Professor Jerry Marks of ITM
National Science Foundation ICORPS Fellow

Honors and Awards

Awarded Tampa Bay Inno Entreprenurial Supporter, 2024
Awarded the Tampa Bay Inno Blazer award for the creation of an Entreprenurial Bootcamp Program (featured on Fox 13 Tampa Bay twice about Program), 2020
Faculty Advisor for student entrepreneurs winning 1st place and 3rd place in the Florida Governors Cup ( a statewide University Pitch Competition)
Faculty Advisor for student entrepreneurs placing in the Top 25 out of more than 150 Student Entrepreneurs at a National Pitch Competition EFEST hosted by St. Thomas University