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Meet Julie

Assistant Professor, Nursing
Julie Umberger
401 W. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33606
Box 10F
Jenkins Graduate and Health Studies Building Room: GHS-513 - Graduate and Health Studies 513


1980 Lancaster General Hospital of Nursing, R.N.
1990 Millersville University, BSN
1994 University of South Florida, MSN
2017 University of South Alabama, DNP

View CV (PDF)

Career Specialties

Julie Umberger has practiced in primary care health for 24 years with a special interest in management of diabetes.

Professional and Community Activities

Umberger previously participated in the USF Department of Cardiology research activities for five years investigating both cardiac disease and new pharmacology therapies. Umberger's personal research has been in the area of diabetes, investigating the relationship of the primary care provider and the diabetic patient and the positive effect that the primary care provider can have on the activity levels of the sedentary diabetic. Research publications have been as a co-author through the University of South Florida. 

Umberger's community interest is through participation with the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer campaign and has been a local team leader for the past 8 years, raising valuable funds toward this campaign.

Honors and Awards

Graduated Summa Cum Laude for MSN and DNP degrees.
Inducted into Phi Kappa Phi and Sigma Theta Tau