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Meet Leslie

Librarian, Digital Access & Reference Instruction
Leslie M Vega
401 W. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33606
Box 73F
Library Room: LIB-148


2004 Carnegie Mellon University, BFA in Fine Art
2009 Pratt Institute, M.S. in Theory, Criticism and History of Art, Design and Architecture 
2009 Pratt Institute, M.S. in Library and Information Science  

Career Specialties

Leslie Vega is the Digital Access and Reference Instruction Librarian at Macdonald-Kelce Library. She manages The University of Tampa Institutional Repository (UoTIR) and specializes in art librarianship and digital archives. Leslie teaches information literacy classes to students in AWR 201: Writing and Research and library instruction for upper-level courses. Her interests involve visual literacy and culture and art historical applications in the digital humanities. Vega is also the library liaison to the departments of Art and Design, Communication, English and Writing, Film, Animation and New Media (FMX) and Philosophy and Religion.

Professional and Community Activities

Vega is an active member of the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA).

Honors and Awards

2014 NYS/UUP Individual Development Award to attend SEI, Summer Educational Institute for Visual Resources and Image Management

2008 Rare Book School Full-Tuition Scholarship