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Meet Jennifer

Professor of Health Science and Human Performance
Jennifer L Wortham
401 W. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33606
Box 30F
Health Sciences and Human Performance Room: HSHP-233


1995 University of Tampa, B.S.
2001 University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Ph.D.

Courses Taught

Human Anatomy and Physiology Lecture I and II
Human Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I and II
Honors Pathways I and II
Introduction to Marine Science
Science of Sex
Evidence of Disease

Career Specialties

Jen Wortham specializes in behaviors and morphologies of crustaceans, specifically shrimps and crabs, in addition to human mate choice and attraction research.

Professional and Community Activities

Wortham incorporates undergraduate students into every research project, usually students work with her for at least three years of their undergraduate career. All of her research with students has been submitted for publication; recent publications include the Journal of Morphology, Journal of Crustacean Biology, Nauplius and Heliyon. Wortham is active in the Florida Academy of Sciences.

Honors and Awards

Undergraduate Research Mentor Award (for college)