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PANCE Results

The Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE) results may be viewed here: PANCE pass report PDF.

Program response to the PANCE pass rate PDF.


The PA program will:

  • Select qualified applicants, through a holistic process, who successfully complete the program.
  • Provide a quality educational experience that allows graduates to gain the knowledge, skills and competencies required for entry-level medical practice.
  • Provide a quality educational experience that allows graduates the knowledge, skills and competencies required to provide medical care to diverse patient populations in a wide variety of clinical settings.
  • Provide a quality educational experience that prepares graduates to meet or exceed an all-time PANCE pass rate of 95%.

Effectiveness in meeting goals will be updated each June.

Evidence of Effectiveness in Meeting Goals (PDF report).

Program Outcomes

  1. The program expects to have a graduation rate consistent with the national average of PA programs.
  2. The program expects to have an attrition rate consistent with the national average of PA programs.
  3. 100% of graduates will be employed or actively engaged in a project utilizing their PA training (for example: medical missions) or enrolled in a post-graduate residency/fellowship within six months of graduation.
                      Graduated Classes 
 Class of 2021Class of 2022Class of 2023
Maximum entering class size (as approved by ARC-PA)48 48 48
Entering class size484848
*Attrition rate2%12.5%12.5%
**Graduation rate98%87.5%87.5%

Rates will be calculated as follows:

*Attrition rate calculation per ARC-PA:  Number of students who attrited from cohort divided by the entering class size.

**Graduation rate per ARC-PA:  Number of cohort graduates divided by the entering class size.

**Graduation is held annually in December.