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Published: January 07, 2021

Statement from UT President Ron Vaughn Regarding the Events in Washington, D.C.

The University of Tampa joins in the condemnation of the unfortunate violence, destruction of property and willful interruption of the functioning of the U.S. government that occurred yesterday in Washington, D.C. I urge UT faculty, staff and students to reaffirm their commitment to open dialogue, critical inquiry and pursuit of truth. We do not have room for nor will we permit violence, injustice and the abandonment of rational thought.

Our country must unite to support a peaceful presidential transition and work together to restore the proper functioning of our democracy. I expect that each member of the UT community will rise above individual political or social agendas to work to embody the values of the Spartan Code – honesty, citizenship, inclusion, respect, responsibility and life-long learning. As such, we urge the UT community to use their voices to educate and create positive change.

May UT continue to be a place where learning is the preeminent mission, and may this learning occur in a context of peace and civility.

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