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Published: March 19, 2019

UT Hosts the U.S. Army Dozier Winds Quintet on March 25

The Dozier Winds, the woodwind quintet music performance team of the 282nd Army Band, will perform at The University of Tampa on Monday, March 25, from 10-11 a.m. The concert and master class will be held on campus in the Sykes Chapel and Center for Faith and Values and is free and open to the public.

The program will feature the music of Leonard Bernstein, Valerie Coleman, Katherine Ann Murdock and Army Band officer, Maj. J. Scott McKenzie.

The Dozier Winds, based in Fort Jackson, S.C., performs more than 40 Army musical missions each year, including ceremonies, observances, educational programs and formal recitals.

For more information, contact Alicia Gonzales at

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