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Published: May 20, 2020

UT Listed as a Top Best International Business School

The website has named The University of Tampa Sykes College of Business as the No. 2 best international business school in the country.

Sykes College of Business framed by flowers and an oak tree
According to the website, UT’s international business program has top-notch faculty and learning that is enhanced through experiential opportunities.

Fifty universities were ranked. The ranking is based on academic and career resources for international business students, the quality of education and program accessibility. Other information gathered to help create this list includes details like programs offered, services available, accreditation, extracurricular opportunities, and other notable program attributes and statistics.

According to the website, UT’s international business program has top-notch faculty and learning that is enhanced through experiential opportunities. “International business students at this school can be certain they will be well-prepared for their future careers,” the site says.

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