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Published: March 14, 2019

UT Sykes College of Business Faculty Present Research on March 22

University of Tampa faculty from all disciplines in the Sykes College of Business will present their research at the college’s Faculty Research Day on Friday, March 22, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The event will be held in the Sykes College of Business, Room 131.

Faculty Research Day, according to Frank Ghannadian, dean of the Sykes College of Business, is both a celebration of the faculty successes in publishing in journals and a recognition of how the college’s applied research helps the business community.

During the event, faculty will give brief 10-minute presentations on their recently published research. There will be Q-and-A sessions to encourage further discussion of the topics presented. A full schedule of presenters and topics is available upon request.

Faculty Research Day is free and open to the public, but registration is requested at For more information, email Whitney Ortiz at

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