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Published: June 22, 2023

UT Volleyball Strengthens Game in Europe

The UT volleyball team became closer than ever after spending 12 days exploring three countries and playing foreign competition this summer. 

	UT Volleyball Strengthens Game in EuropeUT volleyball traveled to Slovenia, Croatia and Italy as a bonding experience and to play against European teams. Photo by Najja Price

The trip to Slovenia, Croatia and Italy gave the women a chance to bond and experience different styles to play.

“A trip like this that allows everyone to experience new things together enriches bonds and relationships in a unique way,” said Nathaly Perez ’25, a business information technology major.

The women won four out of the five matches they played against different teams. Perez said the loss exposed them to game patterns the team had never seen.

Also new were several cultural exchanges.

In Slovenia, after playing a club team, they ate dinner with them and learned Slovenian dancing. They also went on an alpine rollercoaster and a bike tour through Maribor, which Perez said was her favorite part of the trip.

In Croatia, they walked around the coastal town of Rovinj. In Italy, the highlight was the sightseeing, said Meghan Schreck ‘26, an allied health major with a pre-medical concentration. They saw Vatican City, the Colosseum and the Trevi Fountain.

Schreck said her favorite part of the trip was meeting with the team for dinner each night and sharing stories about what they did that day. 

“I was smiling the entire week and just so happy to be there with them,” she said. “The hospitality of the people there was surprising to me, getting to know the different teams after we played and some of them even hosted us, it was very special.”

The women said this trip is likely to help in the upcoming season, as they have grown closer after traveling together and creating new memories. The lessons learned on the court will help, too.

“In several games, we had to increase our court awareness to score on unique styles of play. That kind of adaptability will help us a lot in the fall,” Schreck said.

Have a story idea? Contact Brianna Kwasnik, Digital Content Editor/Writer  
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