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From internships to student achievements to recognition of The University of Tampa faculty and institution as a whole, the following is a running archive of UT press releases, called News Articles, and feature stories, noted as UT Life.

Posted January 05, 2016 in News

University of Tampa president Ronald Vaughn will receive the Citizen of the Year Award from the South Tampa Chamber of Commerce at the chamber’s 90th Anniversary Celebration on Feb. 3.

Bill Yanger, the chamber’s incoming board chairman, said that “anyone who has witnessed the staggering changes at the UT campus over the last 10 years cannot help but applaud Dr. Vaughn’s ability to get things done.

Posted January 04, 2016 in UT Life

The media. Some complain certain news outlets are too liberal, others too conservative. Regardless of which way a news outlet leans, is it the media themselves that drive bias or is it the demands of their audience?

“I frequently hear people complain about how biased the media is, and I have always wondered why the news outlets that are perceived to be the most biased also enjoy the largest viewership/readership,” said Cagdas Agirdas, assistant professor of economics.

Could it be, Agirdas wondered, that people enjoy receiving their news from a source that agrees with their own views? And if that is true, wouldn’t media companies maximize profits by appealing to their readers’ political preferences?

These were the questions Agirdas explored in his study “What Drives Media Bias? New Evidence from Recent Newspaper Closures,” which was published in the Journal of Media Economics.



Posted December 21, 2015 in UT Life

Following a mostly true tale of a climb up a mountain and the lessons learned along the way, Associate Professor Arthur Onipede Hollist encouraged the December 2015 graduates to “ be kind. Be aggressively kind.”

The story was inspired by a study abroad trip in northern Ghana Hollist had help lead and the actions of a student on that trip who stopped in the middle of the climb to see if Hollist was doing ok.

“What matters is that in the middle of a task which required us to focus on ourselves, she looked around and walked over to me to find out how I was doing,” said Hollist. “Her concern for my welfare left a lasting impression on me….”

Posted December 15, 2015 in News

Do stars that form smaller planets have a similar chemical signature? This is the question a study led by Simon Schuler, a University of Tampa assistant professor of physics, set out to explore. The results were recently published in The Astrophysical Journal.

For the study, the team that includes former and present UT undergraduate students looked at the abundance of 19 elements in seven stars with small planets discovered by NASA’s Kepler mission. All but one star have been shown to have at least one planet of primarily rocky composition. Their findings suggest the formation of small planets does not require a particular host-star composition and that small planets may be ubiquitous in the galaxy.

Posted December 14, 2015 in News

The University of Tampa will hold its 141st commencement Saturday, Dec. 19, at 9:30 a.m. in the Bob Martinez Athletics Center. The ceremony will include 509 graduates, including 391 bachelor’s degree candidates and 118 master’s degree candidates.

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