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Alana Laureano ‘16
International Business and Marketing Major

Laureano came to UTampa after receiving an associate’s degree in international business in Cleveland, OH. As a member of Phi Theta Kappa (international business society) with a 3.72 GPA, she received transfer scholarships from that organization and from UTampa. “My scholarships are the major reason I was able to continue my education,” said Laureano. “It was important to be recognized for my achievements and receive validation for my potential.”

Laureano commutes from Clearwater. She is a non-traditional student and the first in her family to attend college. Her mother has been a strong influence in her life, always emphasizing that education would be Laureano’s ticket to success and supporting her decision to attend UTampa.

The University’s study abroad requirement for international business was a draw for Laureano, who is considering a career in overseas manufacturing after graduation. Laureano qualified as a Gilman Scholar and received financial assistance for minorities to study abroad in an emerging country. She chose Salaya, Thailand (about 40 minutes outside Bangkok) and lived in a dorm-style apartment while attending Mahidol University.

Laureano wasn’t totally prepared for a different cultural setting, but she quickly adapted to the local food and customs. Lack of a sewer system was a challenge throughout her stay. Laureano felt she benefitted from her interaction with other students, as well as with the locals. She said, “Borders are becoming invisible as businesses become more global.” “My Thailand experience showed me how much we can shape the world we live in by understanding other cultures.”