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Meet Marisa Belote

Associate Professor, Physician Assistant Medicine
Marisa Belote
401 W. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33606
Box 11F
Jenkins Graduate and Health Studies Building Room: GHS-315 - Graduate and Health Studies 315


1980 University of Florida, B.S. 
1990 University of South Florida, MBA 
2015 University of South Florida, Ph.D. 

View CV (PDF)

Courses Taught

Fundamentals of Nursing Practice 
Leadership and Management in Professional Nursing 
Bridge to Professional Nursing 
Fundamentals of Clinical Nursing Practice 
Medical Surgical Nursing Clinical 1
Medical Surgical Nursing Clinical 2
Physiologic Basis of Disease
Fundamentals of Clinical Nursing Practice
Community Public Health: Population-Focused Nursing
Clinical Experience in Athletic Training IV
Movement Science 3
Simulation for Nursing Practice
Team Strategies to Improve Health Care Quality and Patient Safety
Education Transition for Registered Nurses
Nursing as a Profession
Educational Role of the Nurse in Healthcare
Fundamentals of Healthcare Finance for Registered Nurses
Web-Based Education for Staff Development
Professional Nursing in the Evolving Healthcare System
Transition to Professional Practice
Pharmaceutical Skills I Pharmacy Course
Entrepreneurial Practice Essentials Advanced Topics and Lab 

Career Specialties

Marisa Belote specializes in simulation, debriefing, interprofessional education and communication skills to improve health care quality and patient safety.

Belote has authored and facilitated interprofessional experiences for students in colleges of medicine, nursing, pharmacy, physical therapy and rehabilitation services, orthopaedics and sports medicine athletic training.

Professional and Community Activities

Belote has had extensive experience in authoring, implementing, facilitating and evaluating simulation experiences ranging from low-fidelity to high fidelity scenarios, standardized patient scenarios, didactic, online and lab instruction. Belote’s area of research is in simulation debriefing and the effect on clinical performance.

She has disseminated her work and knowledge on simulation and interprofessional education through international, national and regional presentations, publications and didactic courses. She has provided program development consultation for directors of simulation centers at universities and hospitals. 

Belote has made significant contributions to the Tampa Bay community by serving in many capacities in public and private organizations dedicated to children, adolescents, education and conservation. She has served in a professional capacity on numerous university committees and workgroups as well as through professional healthcare organizations.

Honors and Awards

Awards Bestowed by Graduating Classes:
2016 Award of Excellence 
2015 Most Inspirational Teacher 
2014 Excellence in Mentorship 
2012 Award of Excellence 
2011 Excellence in Teaching

International Nursing Honor Society Member: Sigma Theta Tau, International, Delta Beta Chapter 

2011 University of South Florida College of Nursing; Professional Service Award