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Meet Kari

Associate Professor, Mathematics
Kari E Fowler
401 W. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33606
Box 3F
Science Wing - Plant Hall Room: SC-252


1996 Aurora University, B.A.
1999 Northern Illinois University, M.S.
2004 Northern Illinois University, Ph.D.  

Courses Taught

Finite Mathematics for Liberal Arts
College Algebra
Calculus for Business
Calculus I, II and III
Introduction to Higher Mathematics
Linear Algebra
Real Analysis
Complex Analysis
Modern Abstract Algebra

Career Specialties

Kari Fowler specializes in complex analysis. Fowler is also interested in both computerized tomography and global analysis.

Professional and Community Activities

Fowler is the advisor for the Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society, and she has served as an advisor for the Mathematics Club, as well as a Gateways advisor. She has also served as supervisor for the Lecture Series in Mathematics and coordinator for Senior Seminars. Fowler is a member of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America.

Fowler has received the Dana Faculty Development Grant, Teaching Innovation Grant, and Pi Mu Epsilon National Lectureship and Chapter Enhancement Program Grant.

Fowler has presented papers at several national mathematics conferences and has published several articles on the interaction between coefficient conditions and solution conditions of complex differential equations in the unit disk. She has also conducted research on predicting the performance of 3-D X-ray computerized tomography systems at Argonne National Lab (a U.S. Department of Energy laboratory affiliated with the University of Chicago) in Lemont, IL and research on the geometry of infinite-dimensional manifolds. Her current research involves tropical difference polynomial equations.

Selected Publications:

Kari E. Fowler, “Families of Differential Equations in the Unit Disk,” Journal of Mathematics, vol. 2019, Article ID 8541705, 12 pages, 2019 

K. E. Fowler and L. R. Sons, “The MacLane Class and Complex Differential Equations in the Unit Disk,” Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 359(2) (2009), 621-630

K. E. Fowler and L. R. Sons, “Interaction Between Coefficient Conditions and Solution Conditions of Differential Equations in the Unit Disk,” International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, vol. 2006, Article ID 52583, 11 pages, 2006

Honors and Awards

Certificate of Teaching Excellence, Northern Illinois University
J. Richard Piper Award for Outstanding Service to the College of Social Sciences, Mathematics & Education, University of Tampa
Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society