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Jonathan D Lewallen
401 W. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33606
Box 100F
Kennedy Boulevard Building Room: KBB-102


2004 Tulane University, B.A.
2012 University of Texas at Austin, M.A.
2017 University of Texas at Austin, Ph.D.

View CV (PDF)

Courses Taught

Introduction to American Government
Introduction to Public Policy
Science, Technology and Public Policy
Public Policy Analysis

Career Specialties

Jonathan Lewallen studies agenda setting and the policy process as a set of three choices: what issues do governments pay attention to (and not pay attention to), whether governments make policy on those issues and how they make policy. His current research examines these dynamics for issues related to new and emerging technologies.

Professional and Community Activities

Lewallen's research has been published in leading public policy and political science journals including Policy Studies Journal, Regulation and Governance, Review of Policy Research, Presidential Studies Quarterly, PS: Political Science & Politics, the Journal of Legislative Studies and Political Science Quarterly. His book Committees and the Decline of Lawmaking in Congress was published in 2020 by The University of Michigan Press.

Honors and Awards

2017 UT College of Social Sciences, Mathematics and Education Award for Outstanding Scholarship and Research.