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Meet Robert Marley

Co-Director, AACSB Accounting Accreditation; Associate Professor, Accounting
Robert N Marley
401 W. Kennedy Blvd. Tampa, FL 33606
Box O
John Sykes College of Business Room: JS-214


2001 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, B.S.
2003 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, C.A.
2011 University of South Florida, Ph.D.

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Courses Taught

Via Ad Honores
Fraud Examination
Financial Accounting
Managerial Accounting
Honors Social Science Idea Lab
Advanced Financial Statement Analysis & Valuation

Career Specialties

Robert Marley specializes in behavioral and experimental research with an emphasis in accounting information systems.

Professional and Community Activities

Marley has published over 25 research studies in a myriad of high-quality academic journals and industry journals. Most recently, his work has been published in Accounting Education (2023), the Florida CPA Today (2023), Journal of Accounting Education (2023), the Journal of Theoretical Accounting (2022) and Management Accounting Quarterly (2021). Marley has previously also been published in the Journal of Information Systems (2018), the Journal of Management Accounting Research (2018) and the International Journal of Critical Accounting (2017).

Marley's research has been profiled by Yale University’s Center for International Finance, Investor Relations magazine, and by the Institute of Management Accountants. Marley’s manuscripts have been ranked among the Top 10 of SSRN’s Behavioral and Experimental Accounting eJournal.

Marley is currently the co-director of The University of Tampa's Center for Ethics and is an editorial board member of the Global Journal of Accounting and Finance and is currently an editor for CalState's Business Forum. He has served as the treasurer of the American Accounting Association’s Diversity Section (2014 - 2019), as the department chair of accounting (2017) and is a past chairman of the Sykes College of Business Teaching Effectiveness Committee (2015).

Honors and Awards

College of Business Outstanding Faculty Advisor in 2023
Dean’s Teaching Excellence Award in 2022 and 2016
Researcher of the Year for the Sykes College of Business in 2017
Outstanding Student Advisor by the Academic Advising Office in 2016
Outstanding Faculty Involvement by Beta Alpha Psi in 2015