The documentary “My Afghanistan — Life in the Forbidden Zone,” which provides a rare glimpse into the war-torn existence of ordinary Afghans, will be screened at The University of Tampa on Tuesday, March 25, at 5 p.m. in the Reeves Theater.
The screening is free and open to the public.
The documentary chronicles people living in outlying communities in Afghanistan through their use of mobile phones equipped with cameras to film their daily lives, including media-shy women. Alternating between the participants' scenes of daily life and the director’s own experiences, “My Afghanistan” depicts a country where civilians are the greatest victims of the war, and Afghans struggle to live in the constant shadow of violence.
The documentary is one of three films being screened as part of the Human Rights Watch Traveling International Film Festival, which has visited UT six times.
Human Rights Watch is one of the world’s leading independent organizations dedicated to defending and protecting human rights. The Human Rights Watch Traveling Film Festival brings to life human rights abuses through storytelling in a way that challenges each individual to empathize and demand justice for all people.
The festival is organized by the Office of International Programs. For more information, contact Elizabeth Mills at (813) 258-7431.