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March 23, 2009

UT Nursing Students Practice in Dominican Republic

On a hot afternoon in the Dominican Republic, a group of UT students gathered in an open field to play baseball and kickball in the midday sun. It was not long before the residents of the nearby batey, or sugar and banana workers’ town, became aware of the “Americanos” and eagerly came out to join the games. The students – a group of 12 nursing majors from UT, accompanied by two faculty members – were visiting the Caribbean nation as part of what was dubbed an “alternative spring break” through Orphanage Outreach, a nonprofit organization that works to help disadvantaged children. The nursing group ventured to the ocean-side city of Monte Cristi, near the Haitian border, and spent the week providing free health screenings to the local residents as well as teaching school children lessons about healthy living and human anatomy. As the crowds grew, the games evolved into a spontaneous health screening and educational lesson with the students providing the residents with free hygienic supplies like toothpaste. All of it was a rare opportunity for the local community, which has limited access to health care resources. “I chose to study nursing because I care about people and want to make a difference in people’s lives. My goal for this trip was the same,” said UT senior Aliya Brooks. “I feel like we did make some impact in the community.”