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Published: September 20, 2022

UT’s Lowth Entrepreneurship Center Offers Three New Programs

The University of Tampa Lowth Entrepreneurship Center is introducing a new program for practicing and aspiring entrepreneurs. In the new program, the Start-up Studio, participants can gain verified skills and competencies with short, flexible micro-credentials that focus on personal growth, skill development and transformation of the founder as well as the company.

UT’s Lowth Entrepreneurship Center Offers Three New ProgramsIn the Start-up Studio, participants can gain verified skills and competencies with short, flexible micro-credentials that focus on personal growth, skill development and transformation.

The Start-up Studio will offer three programs that will be open to company founders in the Lowth Entrepreneurship Center and to applicants outside of the center. The price for an individual session is $325; or $125 for student, educator or military. All programs will be held in the Lowth Entrepreneurship Center, which is located on the eighth floor of the Daly Innovation and Collaboration Building on the UT campus.

“Ideation: Exploration and Concept Formation,” with Alex Bruton, Ph.D.
Friday, Oct. 7 — 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
In this session, participants will learn:

  • Ideation workshop
  • Creative problem-solving process
  • Ideation techniques
  • Design methodology

“Mindset,” with Rebecca J. White, Ph.D. Friday, Oct. 21 — 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. In this session, participants will learn skills in the entrepreneurial mindset and founder habits, including:

  • Personal habits that enhance creativity and ideation
  • Personal leadership and the Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile®
  • Self-efficacy
  • Networking skills
  • Coachability
  • Mental preparation for the journey (success and failure)
  • Team building skills/working with others
  • Personal finance assessment

“Validation: Developing the Opportunity” with Joy Randels. Thursday, Nov. 3 and 17 — 6 to 9 p.m. Validation is determining the need for a product or service through customer and market verification. This is always the hardest part and typically the one that gets skipped entirely, resulting in many failed ventures. If entrepreneurs spend time to get this right it almost guarantees a viable business.

For questions about the Start-up Studio programs, contact the Lowth Entrepreneurship Center at or (813) 257-3702. Or, view the website.

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