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From internships to student achievements to recognition of The University of Tampa faculty and institution as a whole, the following is a running archive of UT press releases, called News Articles, and feature stories, noted as UT Life.

Posted April 21, 2014 in News

The always popular spring Dance Happening will take place April 30–May 3 at The University of Tampa, featuring popular music and student dancers from all parts of the University community. The show begins at 8 p.m. in Reeves Theater on the second floor of the Vaughn Center and winds its way through campus to the East Verandah of Plant Hall.


Posted April 17, 2014 in UT Life

Getting a dog to sit still for a close-up camera shot comes with its challenges, said Erin O'Brien ’14, a film and media arts major. But they are challenges gladly welcomed.

“Who doesn't want to listen to ‘Happy’ by Pharrell and play with dogs, cats and cameras all day?” said O’Brien of South Windsor, CT. “That sounds like a perfect day to me.”

O’Brien was among seven students helping capture video for a piece requested by the Animal Coalition of Tampa, which wanted to join the trend of music videos to Pharrell Williams’ song “Happy.”


Posted April 15, 2014 in News

The University of Tampa Orchestra will perform its spring concert Tuesday, April 29, at 7:30 p.m. in Plant Hall’s Fletcher Lounge. There will be a pre-concert discussion at 6:45 p.m., led by Kira Omelchenko, assistant professor of music and director of orchestral and string studies.


Posted April 14, 2014 in News

Dan Backer, an attorney who successfully challenged campaign finance restrictions in the recent controversial McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission (FEC) case, will speak at The University of Tampa on Monday, April 28, at 11:30 a.m. in Plant Hall’s Fletcher Lounge.

McCutcheon v. FEC, which Time magazine stated will “usher in a new era in political spending,” affirms that individuals can now spend in aggregate an unlimited amount of money on political parties and campaigns.

Posted April 14, 2014 in News

The University of Tampa will hold its third annual Human Rights Day Conference on Saturday, April 26. Conference attendees will investigate and celebrate human rights through panels, presentations and creative works from UT faculty and students as well as outside speakers.


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