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Join us for Give Day 2025 and go #AllinforUTampa!
#AllinforUTampa is The University of Tampa's annual give day devoted to giving back and showing how we can support the University. As a private University, UTampa depends on the philanthropic support of the community it serves. Because the University cannot be sustained by tuition alone, all donations are greatly appreciated and will be used to continue a tradition of academic excellence. All gifts, regardless of size, make a difference. Together, we can positively impact UTampa now and for years to come. Join us and go #AllinforUTampa.
For sponsorship opportunties please email
Over the course of 24 hours, Spartans worldwide will show their spirit by joining in, logging on and donating to The University of Tampa #AllinforUTampa Give Day experience. Over the next months, we will be adding and updating the events to celebrate #AllinforUTampa. Check back for more!
Thank you for your support in helping us achieve our goal for UTampa Give Day 2024! The Give Day total raised was $1,135,918!
Thank you for going #AllinforUT and making a meaningful impact on The University of Tampa's students and programs. Your support allows us to continue providing world-class education and resources to our Spartan community. We would not have been able to meet our goal for Give Day 2024 without the unwavering support of our amazing UTampa Alumni and Friends.